Corrosive |
Certain substances cause total damage to living tissues.
Take special measures to protect eyes, skin and clothes. Do not inhale vapours. Seek medical advice, if unwell.
Irritating |
Certain substance which are in prolonged or repeatedly in contact with the skin may cause inflammation.
Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not inhale vapours.
Dangerous For Enviroment |
Certain substance liberate various things into aquatic environments causing damage to the ecosystems.
Depending on the risk potential do not allow to enter sewerage systems, soil or environment.
Radioactive |
Certain substances are subdivided into several categories relative to the nature of radioactivity.
Avoid contact with skin and take proper care of storage.
GHS Carcinogen Sign |
Respiratory sensitization, category 1
Germ cell mutagenicity, categories 1A,1B,2
Carcinogenicity, categories 1A,1B,2
Reproductive toxicity, categories 1A,1B,2
Specific Target Organ Toxicity - Single exposure, categories 1,2
Specific Target Organ Toxicity - Repeated exposure, categories 1,2
Aspiration Hazard, category 1 |